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181. Oral history of Leonard Harris, 1 of 3

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182. Oral history of Leonard Harris, 2 of 3

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183. Oral history of Leonard Harris, 3 of 3

["With his wife, Leonard Harris (b. Martinsburg, WV, October 30, 1936) is the co-founder of Sumner-Ramer School African American Museum and Archive in Martinsburg, West Virginia. He is an alumnus of Sumner-Ramer, which was the Black school in Berkeley County during segregation. The school closed in 1965, one year after schools in the county were integrated and 10 years after the Brown v. Board ruling. The Sumner-Ramer Museum and Archive is located in a ground-floor room of the school building and contains materials from the school and its alumni, including ephemera, photos, artifacts, portraits, and more."]%

184. Transcript of oral history of Leonard Harris

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185. Oral history of Charli Shea Fortney Heiskell

["Charli Shea Fortney-Heiskell of Morgantown, WV is 11 years old and the granddaughter of Mary Jane Coulter, the Executive Director of the Scotts Run Museum. Charli Shea is often at the Museum during the Saturday coffee shop.This interview is part of a collection of interviews conducted with Scotts Run natives/residents and/or members of the Scotts Run Museum."]%

186. Transcript of oral history of Charli Shea Fortney Heiskell

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187. Oral history of Kristy Henson

["Kristy Henson is an assistant professor of forensic science at Fairmont State University and a Fallout 76 gamer. She is originally from southern Ohio, but has lived in Buckhannon, WV for 5 years. She attended Helvetias Fasnacht celebration in 2019 based on her experience in the game, and made a papier-mch owl mask inspired by one of the Fasnacht masks in Fallout 76. In this interview, she speaks about how playing the game has informed her understanding of West Virginia culture and geography. This interview is part of a series of interviews conducted with Fallout 76 gamers, some of whom are from West Virginia, and some of whom were inspired to visit West Virginia because of the game."]%

188. Transcript of oral history of Kristy Henson

["Sam & Joe HerrmannJoe Herrmann (b.1949) and Sam Herrmann (b. 1949), both Maryland natives, are traditional musicians who play together as part of Critton Hollow String Band. They have been a couple since the mid-1970s when they moved to Hampshire County, West Virginia. Joe is a fiddle and banjo player, and Sam is a guitar and hammer dulcimer player. Sam is also a knitter, hand yarn spinner, and owns the knitting kit company Samspun. They live on a piece of land in Paw Paw, WV where they keep sheep.Interviewers note:Interview with Sam and Joe Herrmann of Critton Hollow String Band on the back porch of their home in Critton Hollow, Paw Paw, West Virginia. Sam was knitting a childs sweater during the interview."]%

189. Transcript of oral history of Joe and Sam Herrmann

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190. Oral history of Joe and Sam Herrmann

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191. Joe and Sam Herrmann play "Old Rip" by Lynn Morris and "The Green Rolling Hills of West Virginia" on banjo and guitar

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192. Oral history of Joe Herrmann and Dakota Karper