Transcript of oral history of Leonard Harris
- Identifier:
- 4224.HarrisLeonard.IntTranscript.7.20.16
- Title:
- Transcript of oral history of Leonard Harris
- Date:
- 2016-07-20
- Creator:
- Harris, Leonard
- Contributor:
- Hilliard, Emily
- Description:
- With his wife, Leonard Harris (b. Martinsburg, WV, October 30, 1936) is the co-founder of Sumner-Ramer School African American Museum and Archive in Martinsburg, West Virginia. He is an alumnus of Sumner-Ramer, which was the Black school in Berkeley County during segregation. The school closed in 1965, one year after schools in the county were integrated and 10 years after the Brown v. Board ruling. The Sumner-Ramer Museum and Archive is located in a ground-floor room of the school building and contains materials from the school and its alumni, including ephemera, photos, artifacts, portraits, and more.
- Subject:
- Martinsburg (W. Va.), Berkeley County (W. Va.), African Americans--History, Segregation in education, African Americans--Appalachian Region, Community museums, School integration
- Rights:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Location:
- Martinsburg (W. Va.), Berkeley County (W. Va.)
- Format:
- application/pdf
- Language:
- English
- Source:
- A&M 4224, West Virginia Folklife Program Collection