Oral history of Nicholas A. Ghaphery, Jr.
- Identifier:
- 4224.GhapheryNick.AudioInt.6.22.16
- Title:
- Oral history of Nicholas A. Ghaphery, Jr.
- Date:
- 2016-06-22
- Creator:
- Ghaphery, Nick
- Contributor:
- Hilliard, Emily
- Description:
- Nicholas A. Ghaphery, Jr.Nick Ghaphery, 73, is a member of Wheelings Lebanese community. He is a retired hospital administrator. I was put in touch with him by Mary Monseur, my former Smithsonian Folkways colleague whose parents grew up in the Wheeling Lebanese community. In this interview, Ghaphery speaks about his parents immigration to the United States from Lebanon, growing up in the Lebanese community in Wheeling, and Lebanese foodways, music, and dance.
- Subject:
- Lebanese Americans, Cooking, Lebanese, Wheeling, W.Va.
- Rights:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Location:
- Wheeling (W. Va.)
- Format:
- audio/wav
- Language:
- English
- Source:
- A&M 4224, West Virginia Folklife Program Collection