Search Results
- Identifier:
- 4224.BardwellJenny.ArtistProfile.6.13.18
- Title:
- Artist profile of Jenny Bardwell
- Date:
- 2018-06-13
- Creator:
- Bardwell, Genevieve
- Subject:
- Apprenticeship programs, Bakers, foodways, Bread, Bread--history
- Location:
- Mount Morris (Pa.)
- Identifier:
- 4224.BardwellJennyBrownSusan.IntTranscript.11.2.16
- Title:
- Transcript of oral history of Genevieve (Jenny) Bardwell and Susan Ray Brown
- Date:
- 2016-11-02
- Creator:
- Bardwell, Genevieve, Brown, Susan Ray
- Contributor:
- Hilliard, Emily, Briggs, Mary
- Subject:
- foodways, Food habits, Bakers, Bread--history, Bread
- Location:
- Mount Morris (Pa.)
- Identifier:
- 4224.BardwellJennyBrownSusanDawsonAmy.IntTranscript4.23.18
- Title:
- Transcript of oral history of Jenny Bardwell, Susan Ray Brown, and Amy Dawson
- Date:
- 2018-04-23
- Creator:
- Bardwell, Genevieve, Brown, Susan Ray, Dawson, Amy
- Contributor:
- Hilliard, Emily
- Subject:
- Bakers, Bread--history, Food habits, foodways, Apprenticeship programs, Bread
- Location:
- Mount Morris (Pa.), Harrison County (W. Va.)
- Identifier:
- 4224.BetlerEleanor.IntTranscript.2.5.16
- Title:
- Transcript of oral history of Eleanor Betler
- Date:
- 2016-02-05
- Creator:
- Betler, Eleanor
- Contributor:
- Hilliard, Emily
- Subject:
- Bakers, Bread, Swine, Food habits, Helvetia (W. Va.), Hill farming, Corn bread, Beef cattle, Carnival, Canning and preserving, Wild leek, Orchards, Sheep farming, 4-H clubs, Cheesemaking, Dairy cattle, Swiss American women, foodways, Cooking, Swiss
- Location:
- Helvetia (W. Va.)
- Identifier:
- 4224.BrownSusan.ArtistProfile.6.13.18
- Title:
- Artist profile of Susan Ray Brown
- Date:
- 2018-06-13
- Creator:
- Brown, Susan Ray
- Subject:
- Bakers, Apprenticeship programs, Bread--history, foodways, Bread
- Location:
- Mount Morris (Pa.), Morgantown (W. Va.)
- Identifier:
- 4224.DawsonAmy.ArtistBio.6.13.18
- Title:
- Artist profile of Amy Dawson
- Date:
- 2018-06-13
- Creator:
- Dawson, Amy
- Subject:
- Apprenticeship programs, Bread--history, Bread, Bakers, foodways
- Location:
- Harrison County (W. Va.)
- Identifier:
- 4224.SmithCecelia.IntTranscript.4.30.16
- Title:
- Transcript of oral history of Cecelia Smith
- Date:
- 2016-04-30
- Creator:
- Smith, Cecelia
- Contributor:
- Hilliard, Emily
- Subject:
- Helvetia (W. Va.), 4-H clubs, foodways, Wild leek, Swiss American women, Food habits, Cooking, Swiss, Bakers, Canning and preserving
- Location:
- Helvetia (W. Va.)